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Misc. Job Suggestions
Cryogenic Storage Technician
You see a lot of AFK people standing around during high pop hours and I think having a small job dedicated to wrangling these people and putting them in cryogenic storage might start a nice practice of people doing this in general.

  • Finds AFK players and brings them to storage
  • Spawns at the Cryogenic Storage unit
  • Unique uniform, job guide 
  • Staff Assistant permissions
  • Job EXP for every person that enters cryogenic storage

Hall Monitor
Janitors are expected to clean and remove littering, but a majority of them just walk around with a mop and stick with swabbing floors. Having another job paired with them that's expected to keep halls unobstructed could be a good way to approach this issue. That and you could honestly do Janitor work with those permissions, 100+ players could use more people to help maintain the station anyways.

  • Keeps halls free of debris
  • Blows whistle at unsafe behaviors
  • Janitor permissions
  • Janitor uniform with safety vest, hat, whistle, and job guide
  • Shares Janitor job EXP

I've always felt Botany has the tools to beautify the station, but it's overlooked because they're expected to grow weed and make exploding tomatoes. Having a job with the same permissions but tasked with arranging vases, pots, bouquets, wreaths, and pots around the station could be a nice touch.
  • Decorates the station
  • Botany items, permissions, and spawn
  • Access to creating things beyond plant pots to arrange around the station
  • Spawns with a pretty summer hat and many various flowers
  • Could let the Botany storage be their little area, it's usually pretty baren and unused
  • Shares Botany job EXP

All of these jobs are non-vital as heck but it might turn some rusty gears in the community and enhance gameplay, even if just a little bit. If you have any comments, critiques, or ideas, please post them below! Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
Misc. Job Suggestions - by Kamikaze Mongoose - 03-08-2022, 09:23 AM
RE: Misc. Job Suggestions - by Kotlol - 03-08-2022, 09:35 AM
RE: Misc. Job Suggestions - by Kamikaze Mongoose - 03-08-2022, 01:20 PM
RE: Misc. Job Suggestions - by Hard Boiled - 03-09-2022, 01:37 AM
RE: Misc. Job Suggestions - by Mouse - 03-09-2022, 04:10 AM
RE: Misc. Job Suggestions - by Jakson - 03-09-2022, 11:34 PM
RE: Misc. Job Suggestions - by Love - 03-10-2022, 02:35 AM
RE: Misc. Job Suggestions - by Mrprogamer96 - 03-10-2022, 10:42 AM
RE: Misc. Job Suggestions - by Rmeaper - 03-10-2022, 10:48 AM
RE: Misc. Job Suggestions - by MetricDuck - 03-11-2022, 01:17 PM

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