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[CLOSED PR] Spatial Interdictors slightly reduce hotspot impact
Since basicly Oshan is: "Find hotspot, rig 3 of em, power, keep finding em"
There is no real MAINTAINING the engine unless you go the BELT route.

And their only way to deal with hotspots going into the base is by hearing someone say: "HOTSPOT DETECTED"

So I recommend either 3 types of tools. (Wich are either there or can be installed by engineering)

1: A system they have in engineering that can detect hotspots x space amount away from remote sensors wich are deployed on the edges of the station and the center. That way they have an alarm system of one coming and can PREVENT damage insted of REACTING to damage. (Can also be Emagged by Traitors that will drive Engineering crazy with false read outs like VIBE CHECKS from security checkpoints)

2: Stationary big stompers on the edges of the station. That can be activated from a console to stomp away any nearby hotspots. Though doing so will cause a "Quake" across the station similiar to a Mining Explosion. Thus on Oshan we finally get the radio call of "Mining?" when the stompers go off with them asking: "Engineering?"
There will be an obivious cooldown on it so it can't be spammed. (And traitors can Emag it so it either stomps too hard, causing damage to the station when it goes off or it goes off whenever and has to be cut from power to stop stomping)

3: You know the quantum telescope and how THAT works? Think of it like that to detecting hotspots. it would be a chore to make it work.. but something like that would be cool to have someone on engineering to 1st seek out the hotspots "locations" by pinging to them. Then mark them to follow but having to check in on them once in a while on the console.

But I am not talking in a technical sense... just in hypothetically XD

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RE: [PR] Spatial Interdictors slightly reduce hotspot impact - by Kotlol - 03-08-2022, 08:12 AM

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