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i do not think the cryoxadone change is good, or needed
(03-08-2022, 07:43 AM)stuck_in_void_HELP Wrote: Other servers, particularly CM, have very very complicated medical systems. This results in a situation where there's almost never enough doctors to go around because the learning curve is too great and people decide they just want to play as something else.

One of the main features about Goon that draws people in is the "easy to learn but hard to master" aspect. Cryo pods are a part of that. A crutch that a new, still-learning doctor can use so that they don't have to worry too much about dying patients in time-critical situations, they can make use of the pods while they learn about styptic, silver sulf, calomel, charcoal, p-iodide, mannitol, mutadone, salbutamol, etc; learning what they are and what they do and when to use them is quite the task!

Sure, the pods can be quite OP. People can be brought from the brink of death by shoving them into a pod and occasionally giving them meds with minimal attention required. You can treat several different people at the same time you're trying to bring back a dying person all the way to full health by making use of the cryo pods. I get that - it's overpowered. But it's not broken.

Adding a layer of complexity to a game mechanic that new players can use as a crutch until they get a good grasp of the medical system is not good.

Bottom line is: i don't mind the pill thing. I've never really even used them, to be honest. But i think that we should leave the pods alone. Messing with them is harmful to the game.

Let alone Cryo doesnt fix everything.
All it does is remove all kinds of damage and removes things like shock.

But diseases, bodily damage, organ damage and such aren't healed and need to be done manually. 

I think the Cryo pods have several downsides of existing and maybe one nerf would be good to it.. but not the way described here.
For one.. Cryo pods are ONLY IN MEDBAY! And are just as fast if not safer then administering medicine by hand. (No allergy stuff either)
Also like sleeper pods can inject whats needed.. I think it should be much simpler how to fix cryo pods to make em.. a good crutch but not the BE ALL END ALL.

Make em slower to administer the drug or something. Since the Cryox almost never runs out. Or the pod CONSUMES MORE CRYOX and if the player over uses it. Since we know how much we run out of stypic in 1 shift.

Now onto the downsides of a cryopod and number 1 is easy:
"It's stationary"

We get 2 of them stationary and able to be sabotaged or blown up easily.
Sleeper pods are stationary too.. but.. they don't require as much set up as a cryopod.

Number 2:
"It's a regen tank"

Sleeper pods and our Port-a-medbay (wiich is basicly a sleeper pod) are litterly 1 inject and regen time.
By hand you treat them instantly unless it's something like Tox damage, but again 1 injection.

The cryopod you must stay in there till the treatment is done. Or else it does nothing or you barely heal at all.

So yea.. that's all I had to add. If you want to nerf Cryox cause of Cryo Pods, nerf how cryopods work or remove one of them from medbay and all should be balanced.

Messages In This Thread
RE: i do not think the cryoxadone change is good, or needed - by Kotlol - 03-08-2022, 08:00 AM

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