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What is your favorite job and why?
Chef, Med Doctor, and Clown are my usual haunts.

Chef is great for the confused reactions you get when you throw yet another culinary abomination over the counter, and it is my lifelong quest to fry everything at least once. On RP, people interact with you in fun ways and there's always someone willing to eat the spread you've put out.

Medical is exhilerating, especially once shit starts blowing up. Doing a heart transplant with a glass shard because people have long ago looted the scalpels, having to kick out unruly crimers, figuring out what the hell kind of murdermix the guy gasping on the floor got injected with and how to best counter it, all before they croak.

Clown is for foonie. Being a deeply strange individual, pranking the crew, and being the butt of everyone's joke never gets old. I think it might legally be masochism at this point. All the drawbacks make it even better when you do end up saving the day.

Messages In This Thread
What is your favorite job and why? - by Kelpo - 10-27-2021, 03:29 AM
RE: What is your favorite job and why? - by Kelpo - 11-01-2021, 02:23 PM
RE: What is your favorite job and why? - by fungicidal - 03-03-2022, 08:30 AM

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