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Giving Genetics Powers a Resource Cost
Not keen tbh. We have stability already and also cooldowns. I don't think we need a 3rd limiting factor. Genetics already is pretty easily screwed by itself half the time - people not blindfolding monkeys, new geneticists working entirely on monkeys and using up all the materials whilst creating none etc.

This would kill genetics for me and its in a great place atm.

I mean consider how it could play out:
Antag geneticist
Spend 30 mins getting a good set of genes like empowered hulk and regen.
Give yourself a bunch of negative genes like mute etc to keep stability from nosediving.
Walk out of genetics ready to roll.
Vending machines empty cause someone wanted the discount dans.
Kitchen bombed or something.

Wat do now?
Macrobomb cloner?
Bible fart?

Seems like it could very easily become a mechanic that would just nerf your round through no fault of your own and genetics has more than a few ways that can happen already anyway.

I just dont see what this adds that the other limiting factors already present cant already deal with. If certain gene combos are too OP then look at stability cost. If a particular gene is too spammable then increase cooldown.

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RE: Giving Genetics Powers a Resource Cost - by McDougie - 02-24-2022, 02:56 AM

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