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[CLOSED PR] Adds a new traitor item: cursed glue
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About the PR
Adds a bottle of cursed glue to the traitor buylist for 3TC.
When used on a player it glues a worn item onto them (sets `cant_self_remove` and `cant_other_remove`), the item glued depends on the users body targeting. It cannot be used on yourself. The glue can be flipped in hand to make it unglue all items on the target instead.
It has 5 uses, and the glue is only used up when actually sticking something down.

[Image: 152454791-99766368-87ac-4d51-998d-43e4ea060076.png] [Image: 152454828-c7d3444d-0749-45eb-9507-e711b216e790.png]

Body part targeting works like this:
Either arm = gloves glued
Either leg = shoes glued
Chest = outer suit first, then jumpsuit
Head = helmet first, then mask, then glasses, then headset
Targeting drops through, so if a higher piece of clothing is already glued, then the next one down will be targeted. This allows panicked spam clicking to glue everything in that location.

This is a bit convoluted, but I wanted to make sure this was for sticking things to other people rather than preventing your own items being removed, and also restrict which slots items could be stuck to.

The only item the glue refuses to stick is straightjackets, because that feels a little too powerful. Blindfolds and muzzles work fine though.

Things the glue can't remove: cluwne, slasher, horse and waldo gear, anything with `cant_drop`. (Can't test waldo things so it gets a "probably works" if this ever comes up again)
All other cursed items can be removed using the glue (obsidian crown, syndicate hat etc.)
Why's this needed?
- funny clothing related gimmicks
- the captain chasing a traitor around the station to get the glue bottle back with cat ears stuck to their head
- makes some underutilized matsci item effects more useful (telecrystal shoes anyone?)

- possible to use this with a buddy to stick armour, headgear and so forth to yourself
- I'm not an artist so the sprite might not be great
- the long list of items this is extremely broken with that I haven't though of


(*)Added a new 3TC traitor item: cursed glue. Used to stick clothes to people.


Messages In This Thread
[CLOSED PR] Adds a new traitor item: cursed glue - by github_bot - 02-23-2022, 06:30 PM

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