(02-23-2022, 09:21 AM)stuck_in_void_HELP Wrote: Hope this is fine might be diffrent punishments then most but yeah here ya go!
1- Have you ever brigged someone? What's the brigging procedure you usually use? Well I ussually go over the crimes and witnesses and the detective for evidence and yeah then brig for X amount of time with all their stuff at the locker ussually which I just give back. Oh and also search the bags/ inventory of the said criminal
2- Can you give me an example of what you consider to be fair punishment for the following crimes:
a) Theft Thats a easy one about 2 minutes maybe even one
b) Simple Assault Welp so from what I understand so 2 and a half mins maybe 3 maybe 2 depends really
c) Aggravated Assault (Anything that puts someone else in crit intentionally)3 and a half
d) Murder I mean if I could I would kill em but thats not very security like so about 5 mins maybe 10 demotion
e) Stealing the Captain's ID Eh yeah about 5 or 10 and demotion
f) Stealing the HoS' ID Thats really bad I know this is over the top but about 15 mins I am assuming that he stole something and probably assulted someone
3- The Clown, the Research Director, and a fellow Security Officer are all accused of murder. How do you punish them? Equal punishment? Depends on the job?
First of all its all equal as I think theres a saying justice is blind or something like that but yeah the same as point d so 5 mins or 10 mins and probably questioning as its probably a cult or something like that Im assuming that its at the same time also I would punch the clown
NOTE: my sister can sometimes get on that slimy piece of lovable shit so I am in the process of implemeting security