HOS application
You seem eager, and that's good. But most of your application is just how much you like beating up clowns and how you've done it repeatedly in the past, which is not good.

I'm going to assume those were jokes, and only take into consideration what's not about beating up clowns - there's not much left. Your sec experience seems to boil down to "i played sec on another server; i've had good rounds and chaotic rounds while playing sec on this server; i've spend a lot of time getting drunk while playing detective".

It would be easier to gauge how you feel about playing security and how you approach certain situations if you had been more detailed in your application, so i thought it'd be a good idea if i asked you some questions that'll hopefully help fill some of the "blank spaces" in your app.

1- Have you ever brigged someone? What's the brigging procedure you usually use?

2- Can you give me an example of what you consider to be fair punishment for the following crimes:
  a) Theft

  b) Simple Assault

  c) Aggravated Assault (Anything that puts someone else in crit intentionally)

  d) Murder

  e) Stealing the Captain's ID

  f) Stealing the HoS' ID

3- The Clown, the Research Director, and a fellow Security Officer are all accused of murder. How do you punish them? Equal punishment? Depends on the job?

Messages In This Thread
HOS application - by Wimiko - 02-23-2022, 08:42 AM
RE: HOS application - by stuck_in_void_HELP - 02-23-2022, 09:21 AM
RE: HOS application - by Wimiko - 02-23-2022, 09:30 AM
RE: HOS application - by Mrprogamer96 - 02-23-2022, 12:42 PM
RE: HOS application - by stuck_in_void_HELP - 02-23-2022, 01:27 PM
RE: HOS application - by Cal - 02-23-2022, 10:15 AM
RE: HOS application - by Wimiko - 02-23-2022, 10:20 AM
RE: HOS application - by Waffleloffle - 02-23-2022, 10:30 AM
RE: HOS application - by Shiiba - 02-23-2022, 12:53 PM
RE: HOS application - by Flourish - 03-06-2022, 01:45 PM

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