Complaint Flourish / Goonstation 1 Classic / 2-16-2022
So let me get this straight, because I've been warned a few times and weekbanned once in a recent period, that means I have a history of "longstanding toxic behavior"? That's an absolutely ridiculous accusation, and is part of the reason why I even made this complaint in the first place.

Quote:Notes about your attitude go back like five years.

This is Goonstation, being a jerk here is kind of par for the course as long as it's related to the game and not people's nationality or religion or other real life things. I mean, beating/shoving people to the ground, farting on them repeatedly (at least on Goonstation where farting is possible), robbing them, and calling them names like "captain's a comdom" has been SS13 culture for longer than I've been around. I'm not saying I have a 100% pristine record, but permanently banning someone for this is unnecessary. I didn't argue or complain when I got that weekban, despite the fact that you can cook spaghetti, and one of the random noodle names is "sperghetti", not to mention Space Autism was a part of Pathology.

I made this thread because I felt this punishment was entirely unjust and deserved more than just a ban appeal. Plus, I was complaining about people who were doing much worse things, i.e murder when not a traitor, and your response was to let them keep doing it and ban me instead. I already stated above that in retrospect, I agreed that my choice of how to deal with the problem wasn't the wisest, but what else do you expect from a longtime player who keeps seeing the same ckey doing shitty behavior? I never get ahelped for that kind of thing because I don't do it. I shouldn't be punished for expecting others to not do it, and getting upset when they do. If you disagree with that, PM me my entire notes file so I can see for myself, because I do not believe one bit that I have a history of "longstanding toxic behavior" unless you consider general goonery to be "toxic behavior" and not actual rule violations. I can guarantee that my ratio of rule violations I have been punished for vs time I have been a member of Goonstation is like a drop in the ocean. People who ACTUALLY have a history of being utterly terrible players get sploded, like the previously mentioned Beatbeat Goodbeat and Kingston Hujsak. I am nowhere near that level of disruptive behavior, and it's ludicrous to say that I am.

Oh, and since it will probably be brought up: Yes, I've done plenty of minor violent acts like throwing glass shards at people, punching, suplexing, throwing into a glass table, whatever. Earlier in this same thread, Gerhazo posted a log of me splashing the griefer in question with a CLF3+Fluoro beaker while not a traitor. The thing is, this won't kill you, and it was literally done right in the medbay lobby where aid was a moment away. This is typical for Goonstation Classic, which does not enforce roleplaying and features players beating each other up all the time, as long as you aren't murdering everyone.

So, I'd like to sum this up by saying, if you think I'm being too much of a jerk even for Goonstation, the proper response is normally to say something and deal with the problem by having a discussion like adults, and not permaban long-time players. The ball's in your court, Flourish. If you really think you did absolutely nothing wrong here and I'm way outta line for choosing to make an admin complaint about being permabanned for getting upset at, again, someone flagrantly violating rule 1 multiple times, then I'll wait a month and post in the appeals forum. I think you overstepped your bounds here in applying punishment, though. So what'll it be?

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RE: Flourish / Goonstation 1 Classic / 2-16-2022 - by Cirno - 02-21-2022, 03:02 PM

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