Complaint Flourish / Goonstation 1 Classic / 2-16-2022
Here's an excerpt of what you said -

Quote:2022-02-17 04:50:22.406 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "oh stop whining [name]"

2022-02-17 04:50:30.442 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "you have killed me 5 or 6 times when not a traitor"

2022-02-17 04:50:35.149 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "you aren't some pristine player"

2022-02-17 04:50:57.438 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "yeah, dumb ass shit like throwing me out of the shuttle or lasering me to death because i *slapped you"

2022-02-17 04:51:01.571 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "this isnt the only character i play"

2022-02-17 04:51:11.061 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "and at end of round are you ever a traitor when you do this? no"

2022-02-17 04:51:27.048 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "you have, deny it all you want, its not like i've made a ban request or anything"

2022-02-17 04:51:35.309 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "i just know to watch out for you because you are a shitmaster"

2022-02-17 04:51:50.867 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "i don't"

2022-02-17 04:52:00.289 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "your ckey is [ckey]"

2022-02-17 04:52:07.727 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "unless you are a different [name], which would be kinda funny"

2022-02-17 04:52:26.134 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "is [name] a random name? i didnt think [first name] was eligible for random, [last name] is though"

2022-02-17 04:53:08.265 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "well we'll see at end of round if you are [ckey] or not"

2022-02-17 04:53:19.480 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "ckey [ckey] is the guy who has been shit and griefkilled me several times"

2022-02-17 04:53:41.243 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "i'm not, i just keep a record of these things because i have been on goon for quite a long time, over a decade in fact"

2022-02-17 04:54:39.510 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "[name] maybe just dont kill people when you arent a traitor, it's pretty simple"

2022-02-17 04:55:06.661 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "yes and that's why i have you down multiple different times killing me, and at end of round neither of us are antags"

2022-02-17 04:55:14.697 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "and now you are resorting to ad hominem once being called out"

2022-02-17 04:55:18.347 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "clear sign of guilt"

2022-02-17 04:55:33.716 say Grump Filthmonger CirnoBAKA [DEAD]: says, "it's very simple: stop being a shit player"

(02-16-2022, 10:19 PM)Cirno Wrote: In the ban message, Flourish claims he instructed me to not harass this person (or anyone else, for that matter) in deadchat, which is false.

(02-16-2022, 10:19 PM)Cirno Wrote: I was not told to stop what I was doing

Here's what I messaged you - 

Quote:What was up with deadchat last round? Why'd you keep antagonizing another player? If someone breaks the rules, you should ahelp them, not keep a list of grudges and randomly start arguing with them

"You should do x, not y" is pretty clear "don't do y". Your response of "yes i am going to antagonize him and not let him get away with his reputation of being a griefing idiot" is also pretty clearly declaring your intent to continue doing this sort of thing. I see nothing false about your ban reason.

(02-16-2022, 10:19 PM)Cirno Wrote: I've never been scolded for naming and shaming rulebreakers in deadchat prior to this incident. 

Just in 2022 you've been warned about your toxic attitude and language three separate times, one of them resulting in a weekban. Notes about your attitude go back like five years. Just because you don't recognize this as a chronic issue doesn't mean it isn't. Just because you haven't been warned about this very specific kind of toxicity before doesn't mean you can't be banned for your longstanding toxic behavior.

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RE: Flourish / Goonstation 1 Classic / 2-16-2022 - by Flourish - 02-20-2022, 09:37 PM

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