02-19-2022, 03:26 PM
-1. no. absolutely not, at your current state as a player. would not trust you with the role at all whatsoever.
first of all, you have a habit of singling people out outside of rounds in the discord. this can range from people who you really just should've ahelped and then put out of your mind, to other regulars who you put on a pedestal as some Pinnacle Of Robustness, to (most alarmingly for a potential HoS) new players. you seem to loathe any player who dares to cross your path without knowing what they're doing, which is extremely unconstructive for ANY member of sec, let alone the HoS. the HoS is there to teach sec just as much as they are to lead it, and your failure to grasp this doesn't bode well for your prospects.
speaking of, I have never observed you having a particularly strong grasp of what it means to be part of a sec team, whether it was a round I was in or one I was spectating. granted, detective on its own isn't exactly the most conducive role for intense teamwork in sec, as they'll sometimes just ignore you. however, from this app, your view of teamwork seems to amount to "one guy gives the others orders, which they mindlessly carry out". this is not the case. a good HoS is not The Guy That Orders People Around so much as a coordinator who knows how to stay on top of things, who trusts their officers' abilities enough to be able to note people's strengths and weaknesses and delegate instead of being the Big Name Hero who Had Their Goons Stop The Evil.
reapply once you're able to view the role as something other than a chance to be The Hero and I'll consider it. but presently it's clear that you're not fit for it whatsoever.
first of all, you have a habit of singling people out outside of rounds in the discord. this can range from people who you really just should've ahelped and then put out of your mind, to other regulars who you put on a pedestal as some Pinnacle Of Robustness, to (most alarmingly for a potential HoS) new players. you seem to loathe any player who dares to cross your path without knowing what they're doing, which is extremely unconstructive for ANY member of sec, let alone the HoS. the HoS is there to teach sec just as much as they are to lead it, and your failure to grasp this doesn't bode well for your prospects.
speaking of, I have never observed you having a particularly strong grasp of what it means to be part of a sec team, whether it was a round I was in or one I was spectating. granted, detective on its own isn't exactly the most conducive role for intense teamwork in sec, as they'll sometimes just ignore you. however, from this app, your view of teamwork seems to amount to "one guy gives the others orders, which they mindlessly carry out". this is not the case. a good HoS is not The Guy That Orders People Around so much as a coordinator who knows how to stay on top of things, who trusts their officers' abilities enough to be able to note people's strengths and weaknesses and delegate instead of being the Big Name Hero who Had Their Goons Stop The Evil.
reapply once you're able to view the role as something other than a chance to be The Hero and I'll consider it. but presently it's clear that you're not fit for it whatsoever.