02-19-2022, 03:11 PM
Usual character name: Myth Aria Riker
BYOND username: JackTrysGames
Discord username (if you are on our discord): MythUntilProven#7656
Recommended by (if applicable): DisturbHerb and Bourbon Bob
Goon servers you play: GS3/Morty or GS4/Sylvester, depending on whichever one has the higher pop
Reason for application:
Heads of Security usually mean the difference between Sec forgetting key details/accidentally permabrigging people and memorable rounds where Sec saved a dozen lives by thinking it through. I've spent a lot of time leading teams of Security Officers as jobs that reasonably shouldn't do that (Detective, mostly), so I decided it might be a good idea to apply for the position that normally does that stuff.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
I started playing Det a couple of weeks after originally downloading SS13, because I had heard it was a quieter Security job... in a way. You aren't technically part of Sec as a Detective, after all, but they treat you like you are. After a while, I scaled up to Security Officer, often doubling back to Detective due to my real world experience with firearms. I've had experience with negotiating with antags, creating and growing RP opportunities, but I also have experience in taking down ones that weren't RPing. As ironic as it is, in the latter situations, I'd often be the one leading the charge- even though I wasn't technically a part of Sec half the time.
Teaching new players, dealing with greytide and people with grudges, and following along with the antags that actually want to make it fun for everyone- That’s all pretty much in the job description on RP. What isn’t? Dealing with murderhobos. So when the officers are cowering in fear because some guy with a Cyalume is stalking the hallways… You can count on me to be there giving instructions. Even if I’m a lowly Det.
And yeah, I always try to talk it out first. It’s just that you can’t expect that to work every time. Sometimes, the baton has to come out. And when it does, I won’t hesitate. I’ve seen plenty of officers fail because they thought they could reason with everything. And you can’t. You’ve gotta be prepared for when (not if) reason fails.
However, my best rounds on the Sec team were when a Head of Security or NTSO lead the charge. Folks that aren’t afraid to take the spotlight. It’s the difference between a group of staffies in red jumpsuits and a well-coordinated law enforcement team- a qualified leader. So here I am, writing an application to turn my impromptu leadership into something real.
Answer two or more of the following:
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
90% sure that the only ban I have had so far is my current 3 day ban. Might be wrong, though. I'm not sure how to check.
BYOND username: JackTrysGames
Discord username (if you are on our discord): MythUntilProven#7656
Recommended by (if applicable): DisturbHerb and Bourbon Bob
Goon servers you play: GS3/Morty or GS4/Sylvester, depending on whichever one has the higher pop
Reason for application:
Heads of Security usually mean the difference between Sec forgetting key details/accidentally permabrigging people and memorable rounds where Sec saved a dozen lives by thinking it through. I've spent a lot of time leading teams of Security Officers as jobs that reasonably shouldn't do that (Detective, mostly), so I decided it might be a good idea to apply for the position that normally does that stuff.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
I started playing Det a couple of weeks after originally downloading SS13, because I had heard it was a quieter Security job... in a way. You aren't technically part of Sec as a Detective, after all, but they treat you like you are. After a while, I scaled up to Security Officer, often doubling back to Detective due to my real world experience with firearms. I've had experience with negotiating with antags, creating and growing RP opportunities, but I also have experience in taking down ones that weren't RPing. As ironic as it is, in the latter situations, I'd often be the one leading the charge- even though I wasn't technically a part of Sec half the time.
Teaching new players, dealing with greytide and people with grudges, and following along with the antags that actually want to make it fun for everyone- That’s all pretty much in the job description on RP. What isn’t? Dealing with murderhobos. So when the officers are cowering in fear because some guy with a Cyalume is stalking the hallways… You can count on me to be there giving instructions. Even if I’m a lowly Det.
And yeah, I always try to talk it out first. It’s just that you can’t expect that to work every time. Sometimes, the baton has to come out. And when it does, I won’t hesitate. I’ve seen plenty of officers fail because they thought they could reason with everything. And you can’t. You’ve gotta be prepared for when (not if) reason fails.
However, my best rounds on the Sec team were when a Head of Security or NTSO lead the charge. Folks that aren’t afraid to take the spotlight. It’s the difference between a group of staffies in red jumpsuits and a well-coordinated law enforcement team- a qualified leader. So here I am, writing an application to turn my impromptu leadership into something real.
Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players?
Communication is key. Remember to check in on frequency once in a while, and as they say, "If you see something- say something!" Going radio silent stifles roleplay opportunities, and may or may not get you killed. Speaking of which, label your pinpointer. Seriously. Do it.
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
It was a round on either GS3 or GS4. Someone found a headspider just running around asking people if they "wished to become God", so I was ordered to follow it by the AI, alongside another officer. It then proceeded to infest a Boxer who answered "yes" and declared that they "were now one", falling back into Maintenance. Hilarity ensued as Sec tried to track it down.
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
With a full team, I stick to Sec, taking a front desk position, checking in with the others over radio and in person, generally making sure everyone's alright.
Alone, though, it's a different story. I'll usually pick an entirely different loadout (SMG instead of Wavegun, Donut/NVG instead of Donut/DisruptorCell) and go on frequent walks. After all, the station won't keep itself safe.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
- What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Probably an LA Noire style investigation. Flashing a badge and declaring that I'm a part of "NTPD", and carefully inspecting each piece of evidence. Vehicle chase scene may or may not be included.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
90% sure that the only ban I have had so far is my current 3 day ban. Might be wrong, though. I'm not sure how to check.