Complaint Admin walpvrgis- time yesterday- Server Unknown
Reason: Non-antagonist detective, murdered an innocent player twice over them looting a dead captain's body (this player was also clearly willing to work with security to untangle this situation, before you murdered them). While playing any security roles, you should not be escalating to murder for something of this nature, especially when the suspect is co-operating. Take this break to rethink how you play security, and how our grief rules apply to your security play.

The ban reason makes it seem like I gunned someone down twice just because they stole the Captain's dead body, however what actually happened was I was being a bit of a jerk to the player and pushed them into the morgue multiple times because I did not like them, they then proceeded to threaten me and shot me when I messed with them again, they were the chaplain and shot their entire gun into me, at the time I had thought that they were using either a zip gun or a syndicate gun, I did escalate the situation by shooting back and killing them with my revolver and left to get away and perhaps recieve medical help and tell security, however there was a lot going on and someone had stolen my gun and someone placed lube all over the station, the person I shot is then revived and comes back to immediately start trying to stab me to death which I respond by shooting them again, they start getting healed and still continue to attack me, to which I reply by feeding them a neurotoxin pill to get them to go to medical to stop attacking me I even warn them "I fed you a death pill right now, go to medical to get help" to which they respond by stabbing me more, I then push them into disposals since they will not stop. After this the admin walpvrgis messages me telling me that I shouldn't be targeting someone and killing them  twice just for stealing the Captain's gear, I try to explain the situation as they would not give up on stabbing me, the admin dismisses this and asks why I had killed them the first time, which I explain they had shot me first and I was going to get their gun from them  after they were cloned, the admin then informs me they were the chaplain and them having the gun was allowed, I inform them that I thought it was either a zip gun or a syndicate gun, The rules they link says something along the lines of "roleplay as a believable character who will still be employed my nanotrasen" If someone in real life were to have been shot multiple times by someone, shooting back to kill upon knowing they were armed would not be out of the ordinary, and someone shooting to kill a second time after being stabbed repeatedly and still being stabbed even after the bullets were shot would try to do anything to stop getting shot, I admit I did start the situation by pushing them around but I feel like shooting me multiple times was not the best course of action as there was a HoS on the station who supported me shooting them after they had shot me, both deaths were caused by the "victim" resorting to lethal measures to a situation where their life was not in danger to which I replied with lethal measures to get them to stop, which they never did. This is not a ban appeal as 3 days is no big deal and I do admit I was being a bit of a jerk who did make the "victim" angry, however I do believe this situation could be handled better by the admin or dont make it seem like I was banned for ruthlessly murdering someone twice for stealing captain's gear as admins who interact with me again will think I am just a griefer who has no grasp of the rules. I just want an admin or someone else to see this complaint/ feedback and perhaps change the ban message to something less extreme as my actions do not match the ban reason. And I do not believe "this player was also clearly willing to work with security to untangle this situation, before you murdered them" applies since shooting and stabbing a detective in an attempt to kill them does not fit up with "willing to work with security" "While playing any security roles, you should not be escalating to murder for something of this nature, especially when the suspect is co-operating" I do not believe I escalated to murder for a suspect cooperating as they had resorted to lethal force first, leading to me to react with lethal force too.

However, I feel I must add that the admin was polite and respectful when messaging me and I never felt as if I was being attacked or that they were rude, I just feel as if the situation was not handled as well as it could be and the admin kind of "framed" me since the way they worded the message, while it may be true, does not do justice to describe the situation and the multiple factors that lead up to my actions.

Messages In This Thread
Admin walpvrgis- time yesterday- Server Unknown - by GamerBright - 02-18-2022, 07:20 PM

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