Complaint Flourish / Goonstation 1 Classic / 2-16-2022
To re-iterate you don't have that many adminhelps on record, as you yourself mentioned rarely doing them, so the belief that people that you're adminhelping constantly are being let go lightly might be incorrect.

If you genuinely believe that at a point someone's in significant/unwarranted degree griefing you or otherwise acting maliciously (albeit preferably in a situation that doesn't seem like you were to instigate it, such as the one I've described in my previous post), feel free to adminhelp it.

Also, with the description of your self-maintained "list", it seems you're setting yourself up for frustration as that can probably induce confirmation bias, where you'll focus on and mostly remember only your bad experiences while playing. If playing the game leaves you frustrated most of the time I'd recommend taking a break to avoid burnout, otherwise if that's not what happens then perhaps trying to play without taking it into account (alongside the previous advice re: adminhelping).

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RE: Flourish / Goonstation 1 Classic / 2-16-2022 - by Gerhazo - 02-18-2022, 12:03 AM

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