Complaint Flourish / Goonstation 1 Classic / 2-16-2022
This has been happening for years now, since at least 2017 or early 2018, and he is one of *checks text file* eight people terrible enough to make it on my list, not counting the big two everybody knows, Lord Doom and George Melons. The others are big names any goon staff member would know for being such awful players that they usually end up sploded/unappealably permabanned, like Beatbeat Goodbeat, Kingston Hujsak, and Zorato Turkeybutt. (if this goes against naming and shaming rules I apologize, but these people have been gone for many years, like pre-2016 or something). I've been on and off sporadically in recent times so all these events definitely didn't happen in the same year, so I don't think you need to double check the logs unless you want to trawl through my entire adminhelp history, if that's even possible to do. My point is that anyone who makes it onto this list I've made is a notoriously utterly awful person and not your average, run of the mill "haha i stole your id and egun, deal with it captain" kind of jerk. I don't just carry around some document where I write down every time someone slipped me and farted in my face, you have to expend effort to get put there. It's a list of people to avoid or watch out for and is in no way some sort of document to meticulously metagrudge anyone who has slighted me. That is why, to me, it was extremely irritating to not only see this person never receive any punishments, I was the one instead punished, when I just want the people who are doing things like throwing me out of the escape shuttle then bragging about it in chat, and not being a traitor after round end, actually punished in a manner that matters: long duration bans for abhorrent behavior.

I've been here for a very long time and while I have never seen my own notes file, off the top of my head I have been banned for killing people when not a traitor... twice I think? in more than TEN. YEARS. Feel free to correct me on this, but I honestly don't remember having a history of being a terrible player at any time during my history here. I toe the line and while I'll admit I've been rude to people for things like stealing from my department or ruining some gimmick I spent an hour preparing, I've never gotten so angry at someone that I just started killing them. The worst thing I remember doing is mixing the wrong beaker and setting medbay on fire with napalm foam or something back in I think 2011, and possibly a nontraitor singulo release also around the same time, so this is why I get upset when I see people engaging in wretched behavior getting off scot free instead of getting the classic SomethingAwful style treatment of "here's a permaban, give us a good explanation as to why you should be let back here, since you seem to think you can do what you want", because I don't recall ever being any kind of problem player or someone whose presence causes people to groan in frustration.

I'll be back in ~12 hours to see if anyone else has commented on this.

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RE: Flourish / Goonstation 1 Classic / 2-16-2022 - by Cirno - 02-17-2022, 04:06 AM

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