Complaint Unknown admin, unknown server, unknown time
Admin: Don't know
Server : Don't know
Date + Time: Also don't know.
Synopsis: Allegedly harassment happened between an admin and one of my friends, there was a sexual element involved because they were "furryfied" and mocked, while given a weird furry babytalk trait. On hearing this I made a PR to delete these genetics traits. See "Removes catperson and all owotalk variants #7524"
Extra Information: I think this thread is a waste of time as I wasn't there for the incident and the person who was doesn't want their name revealed but I was told to make it on github before my PR can be un-locked and my comment privleges are restored. I just want to remove the dumb sexual references that shouldn't be in the game.

Messages In This Thread
Unknown admin, unknown server, unknown time - by Deadvickyart - 02-16-2022, 11:18 PM

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