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Custom Changeling Sting
Changelings can inject neurotoxin/capulettium and LSD, as well as stable mutagen/blood. What if there was more you could do with that stinger?

This would (hypothetically) add three verbs to the ling's ability list.

Extend/Retract Tank: Equips or removes a special 50u tank from your current hand. Cannot be dropped or filled at a chem/drink dispenser, as it is attached to you. Can only be used while retracted.

Set Sting Amount: Sets the amount of chemicals from the above tank to be used for the ability below.

Custom Sting: Injects the chemicals from the tank at the amount set by the Set Sting Amount verb.

You use Extend/Retract Tank with your empty right hand selected. You are now holding a 50u flesh-tank-beaker-thing.
You fill it with 25u of chemical A and 25u of chemical B, and Set Sting Amount to 5u.
You then use the Extend/Retract Tank verb again. The tank is retracted, and your hand is now empty again.
Finally, you target a beaker and use Custom Sting on it, stealthily injecting 2.5u of chemical A and 2.5u of chemical B from the beaker.
The beaker now contains 22.5u of chemical A and 22.5u of chemical B.

Messages In This Thread
Custom Changeling Sting - by JackTrysGames - 02-14-2022, 10:55 AM
RE: Custom Changeling Sting - by Waffleloffle - 02-14-2022, 10:56 AM
RE: Custom Changeling Sting - by DioChasek - 02-14-2022, 11:43 AM
RE: Custom Changeling Sting - by Mouse - 02-14-2022, 01:50 PM
RE: Custom Changeling Sting - by Annoyed Egg - 02-15-2022, 12:25 PM

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