Complaint CaptainBravo/Efrem, Admin Complaints, This Week
I don't feel like it's appropriate to re-litigate every single admin complaint efrem has ever had. I'm going to point out a few things you've misunderstood, and then I'm going to close this thread.

(02-11-2022, 04:53 PM)AmazingDragons Wrote: dayban
Daybans are, essentially, warnings++. This game is not your life. You can take a break for a day. The admin team uses them liberally to accentuate that a warning is serious and needs to be considered, and they are especially used when it is clear that a person is not taking it seriously. They are very, very rarely an example of an "over-escalation" on the part of the admin, and it wasn't an over-escalation in that particular instance.

(02-11-2022, 04:53 PM)AmazingDragon Wrote: This was disrespectful and honestly, childish. Instead of taking responsibility and owning up to their actions, Efrem tried to turn it into a joke and brush it off. Own your fuck-ups, not "I deserve to be BANNED for being a DILDO about ADMINWHO."

You seem to have taken the exact opposite of efrem's intended meaning here. Efrem was literally banned for 30 days, and could not connect to the server for that period of time. That was him taking responsibility and owning up to his actions.

(02-11-2022, 04:53 PM)AmazingDragons Wrote: and mostly? That implies that there was admins who thought it was perfectly fine, which is honestly concerning

Admins have a tendency to hedge our language. There are between 30 and 35 of us active at any one time, and we often respond to things without waiting for everyone's input. Nobody wants to be the admin that says "ALL the admins think THIS" only for an admin to log on 14 hours later and say "hey, I don't agree with that!"

In other words, you're reading too much into it.

(02-11-2022, 04:53 PM)AmazingDragons Wrote: Leaving the specifics behind, since I think (hope?) it's enough to make the point, I want to discuss general admin conduct.

This entire section is basically a gish gallop of various claims that would take far longer to piece apart than it has taken you to write down. It's a solid chunk of text that, were we to individually address each claim, would take roughly double to triple the number of words you've produced to fully explain.

Instead of doing that, I'm just going to say:

You are missing information. As a player, you do not see everything that we see, everything that we do, and the various things that we're working on. You also have a very narrow scope (being one person) of the general playerbases' opinion of the admin team's performance. The idea that these things you have brought up represent some larger overarching problem is an easy idea to pose, but it ultimately isn't true. Player appreciation for the team is higher than ever, our playerbase is larger than ever, and we repeatedly and consistently hear from new players that we are doing just fine in onboarding them into long time players. For every complaint like this one, where you say our general disposition is too hostile, we get another complaint saying that our general disposition is too forgiving, and in my opinion that means we're doing just fine.

We can't be everything to everyone, and we're only human. Mistakes happen. They will continue to happen. But the totality of the evidence available to us is that, in terms of "general admin conduct", things are fine.

Messages In This Thread
RE: CaptainBravo/Efrem, Admin Complaints, This Week - by UrsulaMejor - 02-11-2022, 08:33 PM

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