Mr. Moriarty (Alexander Nelson) - Mentor Application
Usual character name: Alexander Nelson
BYOND username: Mr. Moriarty
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Mr. Moriarty#6202
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Morty (3) and Sylvester (4)

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
For me, one of the most rewarding elements of this game is teaching others; once upon a time, we were all Staff Assistants wandering aimless about stations unknown to us, and to have a hand that can guide you and help you navigate the learning cliff that this game offers can be a great comfort, but to be the person lending that hand is a great pleasure. Very rarely do I decline the chance to teach anyone, old or new, something about this game, whether it be Security etiquette, TeleSci, both basic and advanced doctoring, how to set up an engine, or even something as simple as the direction to somewhere.

With regard to my experience, often I play as a head of staff, normally either as the Head of Security, Research Director, or Medical Director, as these are the departments that I am most familiar with, and have grown to enjoy working in the most, however, I can still adeptly play most other jobs. The head of any department can also expect to be asked for guidance from staff seeking assistance, and over my time playing, I’ve watched many crew members I’ve had a hand in teaching become competent doctors, scientists, engineers, and in some cases HoSes; it is a wonderful sight to watch someone you have taught to grow to impart their own wisdom on newer players themselves.

When teaching someone ingame, I always attempt to make them feel that they are welcome, especially when it is someone new to an entire department, rather than a burden, letting them know that any question they have will be answered to the utmost of our ability. As such, I make an effort to teach people in person, rather than over the radio, as it feels more welcoming and personal to them, but if it is a more minor qualm, the radio or a PDA message will more than suffice.

It would be nothing short of a pleasure to serve as a Mentor for this wonderful community.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): N/A.

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Mr. Moriarty (Alexander Nelson) - Mentor Application - by Mr. Moriarty - 02-10-2022, 02:00 PM

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