11-18-2012, 09:31 PM
Sitoutumaton Wrote:There's also the factor that if you're a head of staff and a traitor, you're under a lot of scrutiny for the power you have.
They may not rank highly on inconspicuousness, but they definitely have the power and access to make others do as they wish or otherwise bend things in their favor. For such reasons, I am to consider them easy occupations to get your objectives done as, whenever you aren't violently murdered for your jumpsuit or ID.
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Why is the Miner on the low tier?
Miner begins off-station with a space suit right off the bat and can order explosives to destroy parts of the station as they see fit. Barring that, there's not much going for them. They can fab RCDs, steal the magboots rather easily if they're quick, and easily let loose the engine since they can get close enough to it from their dock to the station. However all of this doesn't make up for their other negative attributes.
Their tools aren't very potent, the bombs are quite expensive, and a miner going off the platform for anything other than getting medical attention or whatever is going to look suspicious, particularly if they're flying around the station Z-level where people can see them. Perhaps they deserve higher, but I'm not seeing it.
Dachshundofdoom Wrote:I would argue that Janitor is higher than you think..
Janitor was another one that I found difficult to rank.
He can slip people with plain water and/or get a super-heated chem bottle, but other than that he's not much better than an assistant. He probably is good for being sneaky though, as part of his job is to go around and clean up, even if he's not usually allowed to go there. You could wipe floors with flammable liquids and then set the place on fire for a while.
Janitor can also clean up their own crimes rather easily in comparison to others, so perhaps Janitor is better than 'low'. The addition of the trashcart compactor does make up for the loss of the porta-poo, but I wouldn't say it's enough to jump him up a tier. Syndicate cleaner grenades definitely hurt however.
Weavel Wrote:...Should probably be Low tier.I think Hydroponics has a slightly better amount of things to mess around with than an assistant (poisons, maneater, hydro itself), while the Chaplain only has his special toolbox to fall back on. Other than that, there's not much keeping both of them above low tier - perhaps they're lower-mid tier if we were really to compartmentalize them.
Artbox is perhaps the best job-specific traitor item, right behind the Engi Sing-Bomb and the Electrician Syndi-Scanner. MKD is terrible to get and will outright kill anyone who has it eventually. As you keep feeding the box, it gets much stronger and eventually little else than a ranged attack can stop you.
If Chap didn't have his artbox, he'd be considered bottom tier, worse than anyone else if just for his lack of access and what-not. Then again, he's not very conspicuous - of all the people to suspect, the chaplain is probably the last person on the station to accuse of being a syndicate. Of course, this spot is assuming the chap's using the artbox, so he probably isn't going to try and hide the fact he's at odds with the station.
Klayboxx Wrote:IMO chef is the easiest job to be traitor as.Chef isn't bad if your objective/goal is to kill people, but good luck doing anything else. If you're spending more time outside of your kitchen than in, questions will be raised. You can usually get off fine dragging bodies around since no one really cares if the chef or a doctor is doing it.
You'll be very suspicious out of the kitchen and lots of other things that don't involve butchering others will be difficult. Still, it's perhaps one of the more fun traitor jobs, since you can be discreet about it by poisoning everyone with exotic ingredients (or just bad cooking) and then stabbing the gagging, retching messes into meat slabs.