Jugg (Jack Cromwell / Sebastian Uriel) - Head of Security Application

jugg's a patient and reliable officer, knowledgeable on how to deal with lots of stuff both from a security point of view and from the perspective of what aids in good RP, open to teaching rookies, and he communicates very well with any sec team he's on. he also doesn't prioritize the people he knows over the people he doesn't, and makes an effort to interact with whoever needs him at the moment, stranger or friend alike. I personally consider this one of the most overlooked but most important traits for a good HoS on the RP servers, and I have no doubt in my mind that one Head of Security Uriel would lead both fairly and justly

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RE: Jugg (Jack Cromwell / Sebastian Uriel) - Head of Security Application - by Waffleloffle - 01-20-2022, 01:00 PM

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