Mentor Application: OVRheal NT-3 (Neskah)
Usual character name: OVRheal NT-3, OVRwatch NT-3, Erika Knight, other NT-3/OVR Silicon Variants
BYOND username: Neskah
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Neskah#8908 (only joined recently)
Recommended by (if applicable): 
Goon servers you play: Primarily 3/4, occasionally 1.

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
It is undeniable that I've played SS13 for less time than many of the current mentors (only several months now), but I am always drawn to the concept of mentoring systems in any game because I find satisfaction in being of assistance. SS13 certainly has a steep learning curve, and I still remember my first time within the medical wing, being completely overwhelmed by chemicals and their various effects and application processes. For me, the confusing process of becoming competent was thoroughly enjoyable on my own, but I know not everyone feels the same way and that making mistakes can be embarrassing, and I love to assist new players when possible.

With all of that said, I will not claim that I understand every single system or job in the game well enough to thoroughly walk a new player through it. I primarily spend my time within the medical wing, as a Director, Doctor or Cyborg usually. This is my field of expertise and the one I've read the most wiki information about, but I also have a good understanding of mining, science/chemistry, security, (thought I tend to avoid sec because it's a bit stressful, in a different way than medical) QM, silicon roles and Command roles that involve primarily talking to others like HoP.

Since I tend to stay within the medical roles, (even if I'm out of medbay and patrolling the station as OVRheal NT-3) I believe almost all of the actual direct teaching I've done in-game has been related to medical services. I often find medical assistants with questions about certain chemicals and how to best use them, and try my best to make helpful in-character suggestions if I notice a doctor has done something questionable. I also make an effort to allow any other doctor to perform surgery if they clearly seem interested and instead tend to nurse the patients during procedures, offering bits of advice if the doctor is clearly uncomfortable or new to surgical procedures.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None as far as I am aware.

Regardless of the outcome, I thank you for your consideration and will continue trying to prevent station personnel from perishing horribly while aboard.

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Mentor Application: OVRheal NT-3 (Neskah) - by Neskah - 01-18-2022, 09:09 PM

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