Merlin1230 (Bourbon Bob/Leonardo Vanbaradi) Mentor app
I've seen Merlin play most jobs at least once, and he's quite knowledgeable in all of them from what I can see. He's also quite active in the discord, willing to answer questions and help anyone that needs it.

I myself recently made HoS, and I credit Merlin a good deal in helping me get there. He took the time to provide me with much advice and training when I asked, both in character and LOOC, and once spent upwards of twenty minutes one round explaining proper escalation, use of force, and arrest procedure. He was even quite willing and welcoming to have an extended conversation over discord about some of the more finer points of security work I was having trouble with. Friendly, welcoming, and patient are great words to describe him, and it is quite obvious to me he loves this community and wishes to assist new players or those trying to grasp some of the more complicated mechanics.

Full and strong +1.

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RE: Merlin1230 (Bourbon Bob/Leonardo Vanbaradi) Mentor app - by KingMorshu - 01-18-2022, 07:52 AM

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