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spectating as ghosts should allow you to see "windows" as the as the person youre spe
(12-31-2021, 01:37 AM)cyberTripping Wrote: I mean, it's not like secret chems are particularly secret anymore, what with #imspoiler and open source and stuff. I guess they're secret by choice now, rather then design. I remember a similar discussion coming up years ago and the consensus was no back then as well precisely due to secrets, but considering the cultural changes since then I wonder if it's still as potent an argument as it used to be.

One thing that might be a consideration is accidental spoilers for content. For instance, people observing an antagonist scientist who's blowing shit up and doing cool shit, and seeing their id-bound chemgroup for rajaijah in the dispenser.

Either way, I can agree that things like terminals are almost certainly harmless. The question is just how hard it would be to adapt how it works for mentor mice to ghosts, and if it turns out to be a pain in the ass, if it's worth bothering with at all.

I love the idea and think it'd be a great improvement. Teaching newbies how to make medicine or specific chems quickly would be a lot simpler if they could snoop, and there's legitimate uses for teaching mobs that can't open chem dispensor windows themselves (borgs, ghostcritters and deceased telesci buddies who need to be taught posthumously how to patch themselves up).

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RE: spectating as ghosts should allow you to see "windows" as the as the person youre spe - by Deadvickyart - 12-31-2021, 02:28 PM

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