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something needs to be done about greytiding
i do think the key obstacles for tiding should be toughened a bit. the difference between a round with a HoP giving AA and them not joining is night and day

A barely-skilled staffie can still bust into any department in less than two minutes with nothing more than a toolbelt. Muscle memory just makes it worse and worse. Perhaps more action bars could be applied to door hacking etc. alongside the changes for command's doors

as for security, i've come around to the idea of having security's round requirement moved up a bunch, but still don't think it will fix that a depressing amount of security can't handle the power to ruin someone's entire round.

(12-23-2021, 12:53 PM)Chayot Wrote: And yet there are appropriate functions the crew can enact to combat against abusive contemporaries.
Bad secoffs? Demote. Malicious Crewmember inciting hostile actions against command or the station? Brig.
It should be obvious. We have a variety of means to deal with malignant individuals.
Need be, beat them to death.

while this is valid to an extent, perhaps you haven't dealt with it enough to realise that when you do this, invariably you end up having to spend the entirety of a round handling every wannabe captain or supercop. for every round. is the antag running a cool gimmick you want in on? oh, some staffie is breaking into security for the sixteenth consecutive shift. this is not conducive to a good enjoyable round, that is daycare.

Messages In This Thread
RE: something needs to be done about greytiding - by TDHooligan - 12-23-2021, 05:57 PM

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