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something needs to be done about greytiding
I do not believe "Greytiding" is a problem per-se.
We're low RP, Goon1. Goon2 offers the same LRP with lower levels of "greytiding."
Goon 3 & 4 provide an environment in which committing such acts as listed in this thread would likely result in a ban.
To that end, Goon1 is the server in which players can commit crimes without being punished with a ban or warning.
Players are having fun, that is all.

Sure, you may not like a player with an RCD deleting the doors and allowing civilians into security.
Sure, a Secoff killing clones fresh out the vat and arresting the attending medical doctor sounds bad.

And yet there are appropriate functions the crew can enact to combat against abusive contemporaries.
Bad secoffs? Demote. Malicious Crewmember inciting hostile actions against command or the station? Brig.
It should be obvious. We have a variety of means to deal with malignant individuals.
Need be, beat them to death.

I will add, the security officers as of late have been steady and reliable. Fun and decently fluent with the game.
Unlike previous generations of secoffs, they do no seem intent upon causing harm to the crew.
Rather, most-often, they attempt to do their job and have fun at it. Often roleplaying peacefully--something I'd yet seen from Goon1 officers.

Moreover, I do not believe streamers, nor "meme streamers" are any kind of problem.
While I concede, they set the tone for players coming in, the player themselves will eventually learn right and wrong, and choose for themselves whether they will persist in doing wrong, resulting in a ban, or cease their belligerent activities. If they do not wish to participate in this community, they will not.

Messages In This Thread
RE: something needs to be done about greytiding - by Chayot - 12-23-2021, 12:53 PM

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