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[MERGED PR] PDA Packet Sender can now make (relatively simple) Programs
This is intriguing, and I feel like it could lead to a lot of interesting stuff, but I wonder if there are any balance implications. Is there a button limit in place? I wonder if it wouldnt be possible to create a program with an argument for the network address of a door, a command, and 32 buttons that just vary in access code that you could quickly roll down to approach a similar ease of packet hacking as before access codes were added, since you wouldn't have to take the time to manually enter in the next access code every time like you do when brute forcing right now.

Edit: On closer reading, it seems you have to load from the button and then manually send the packet from there, if I'm understanding the description correctly. Maybe it wouldn't be substantially faster after all.

Edit2: I was double mistaken. Fuck.

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RE: [PR] PDA Packet Sender can now make (relatively simple) Programs - by cyberTripping - 12-23-2021, 09:35 AM

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