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Hacked mining charges are pretty bad.
So... probably the only smart thing jackmassacre (rip 4ever) did was making the emag explode mining charges instantly.

Mining charges (small and large) only require glass and wire, you can have a load 10 minutes into the round without ever digging any ore.
Every traitor miner who hacks charges spends the entire round blowing holes on the station outer walls and running away in space. You can hunt them in space, and lose them unless you're incredibly lucky, or you can wait in ambush at mining for a long tedious time.

Charges are not bad on their own; they are useful to shock the shuttle or some crowded room. But they are so easy to make and spam on every wall. I see two ways to scale them down a bit.

1) Change the required materials to some higher tier ore. Claretine isn't hard to mine and plentiful. Plasmastone is easy to come across, but harder to mine.
This would still allow miners to make infinite charges, if they work at mining for 10 minutes.

2) Remove the hacker device for a hacking kit, a box with X hacked circuits that you slap on a charge to remove its safety whatever.
Miners would be limited by telecrystals, but they could still make charges pretty quickly (maybe more useful than the other way if you want to make charges when the shuttle is already called and you are on the clock).

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