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Tracking Implant - Remove Teleportation Target
Hey y'all, I've noticed a trend lately for players (both security and valid hunters) to abuse tracking implants as a way to make hiding or escape impossible for antagonists.

Not by making their location known, but by allowing them to be directly teleported on top of, accompanied by a daze effect and stamina damage. This is also of course spammable with the hand teleporter so even if you escape the squad of heavily armed sec squad that just appeared on top of your disoriented character they can just use it again and again until eventually they wear down your resources and kill you.

Now, before anyone asks why you don't just remove the implant, consider what I just described above. It is quite difficult if not impossible for most antagonists to gain access to an operating table and remove an implant while in that situation without serving yourself up on a silver platter for them to debrain.

On top of this, it's highly unlikely you will even know you've been implanted during combat when the chat is filled with text rapidly scrolling by and there is basically 0 feedback for being implanted, it negates a huge part of the security/antag dynamic of both ignoring stealth and the chase. It is especially egregious when used on newer antags, as I've seen happen, who simply have no idea what is going on.

My suggested change is to simply remove the ability to teleport to people using tracking implants, which nobody seems to use for any other purpose anyway.

Messages In This Thread
Tracking Implant - Remove Teleportation Target - by Nidabutt - 12-08-2021, 09:28 AM

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