Mentor Application: Drewmajor11/Echo Five
Usual character name: Echo Five. I also played Xavier Mcmullen a long while back, and Myth Mcmullen more recently, both were still quite a while back.
BYOND username: Drewmajor11
Discord username (if you are on our discord): EchoFive#3116
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A, unless I'm forgetting something from months back that likely, would not still apply.
Goon servers you play: Mainly 2, I've played all of them quite a bit though.

Reason for application + game experience (300-word minimum):
I've been around for a bit now and I've learned a lot, the issue is that with that knowledge a lot of the time I used it to cause issues and made the game not very fun for others. I genuinely do like teaching people and I've been working on this behavior and don't think I've had these issues more recently. I do understand if it's too early for me to apply or if people's opinions of how I played then and now are still not very great and I understand that It may have been too recently on how I acted and that many would not trust or want me to represent the community. I think at this point I have changed a fair amount and I've genuinely spent time recently teaching people and I want to continue to. I have also moved away from Classic 1 and RP as much as I think I fit in more on two and I'm more able to keep with the boundaries and stop myself before I do anything that might cause issues.
I'll move onto actual experience now.
Science was the department I started with and consequently the one I'm most experienced with, I know everything from chem tricks and secret chems, to toxins, to artlab and telesci by heart at this point. I know many different helpful tips and tricks as well and more as I have frankly spent too long on this, I know a lot of different chem mixes and recipes by heart and how to do more obscure things like resetting the mainframe or controlling the guardbuddies.

Mechanics(More so packetry):
I know a fair bit about the station network, I know how nukes work, I know how packets generally connect, I know mech comp and a fair bit surrounding that. I've used mech comp for things from voice-activated packet lockdown machines to at least a basis on things like calling the shuttle with packets. This I've spent a lot of time on as the network is very interesting to me and I like explaining what I know about it to others.

I had a lot of experience as security, as I mentioned I used to be an HoS, while I did understand security to a good degree and used to play it a lot I now tend to avoid it except detective, this is because I've realized after being HoS removed that I just ended up playing security in a way when I did that it just reflected how I played as staffie and ended up in making the round actively worse. While I do understand security and I can play it decently as detective and for short bursts it is a role I admit I'll largely avoid as I don't believe I'll be able to consistently play the best to players and myself I can be as security.

I've played a lot of command, namely captain and Research Director. I think I do understand both how to be a useful active member of command and the drunk Captain on their eighth bottle of bo-jacks. For me, command is largely being well versed in many areas and understanding how to act and when a situation is irreparable and you need to prioritize calling the shuttle and saving the crew.

I understand a fair amount about hell-burns and how to run the engine, I believe I could reasonably explain it but I never really choose to play engineering as it just isn't my type of job, I know a fair bit about it but its definitely not my most detailed area.

While I haven't put a large amount of time into actual medical jobs I do believe I know how to play them, I understand all of robotics and how to explain it, in that same facet I've played AI a fair bit although it's not one of my main roles. I understand genetics and I have explained it fairly recently actually to a newer player, I know how to heal people and what to prioritize so they don't end up a dead body on medicals floor. I try to stay on top of things when I do actually play medical and I know how to keep the crew alive even if it's not my most experienced job.

Staff assistant is one of my most played jobs but I've never put an extreme amount of thought or effort into civilian department jobs, I know the basics and some more advanced aspects of Botany. I know how to clean although I don't think I've once played janitor, I know how to cook, I quite like bartending. One complete knowledge gap I do admit I have is in ranching, I never got into it and most likely won't for some time. I think I understand enough about how to play civilian jobs to teach and explain the basics and touch on advanced points but I admittedly do have some knowledge gaps here.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

I honestly can't remember most of them, I stopped playing for about a month back in mid-October through early November after I was HoS removed and haven't had any bans or notes as far as I know since. I'll try to type the ones I do remember.
From newest to oldest.
Greytiding too heavily back in August, I've tried to leave this behavior now as it made me problematic and unfun to play with or against.
Black powder bomb on RP that went wide back in February 2020.
CLF3 abuse in July 2020.
I believe I also had a ban for OOC IC the first day I played on July 14th, 2020.
It's been a bit since most of these and they had a fair bit of distance between them so it's possible I forgot some, I apologize if I did and if an admin wants to pull more or any notes that might be relevant that is fine with me.

(I'm not entirely sure on the exact date I was HoS removed, if this is denied or closed because of that I understand as I was genuinely very much a issue causer and I really just hurt others enjoyment, I think I've moved on from this but I understand if it's too soon.)

Sorry if this is a bit word jumbled or sounds like a broken round/weirdly too cordial at some points. I did this over the course of around 30 minutes because I was interrupted by things a few times during writing it.

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Mentor Application: Drewmajor11/Echo Five - by Drewmajor11 - 12-04-2021, 07:28 PM

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