I personally think the biggest issue with booster enzyme isn't It's effect, I'd say the recipee is the worst part.
Take Initropidril for exemple, if initro was obtainable as easily as booster enzyme currently is, you'd see the chem being mass produced much more frequently because of how powerful it is, tho It's actually hard to make so that doesn't happen.
Right now the only hard part to booster enzyme recipee is figuring it. Otherwise the reagents it needs really aren't hard to get even under 5mins, thats why I feel like, booster enzyme really should get a recipee change for it to be balanced, otherwise a nerf of It's effects would also work.
Take Initropidril for exemple, if initro was obtainable as easily as booster enzyme currently is, you'd see the chem being mass produced much more frequently because of how powerful it is, tho It's actually hard to make so that doesn't happen.
Right now the only hard part to booster enzyme recipee is figuring it. Otherwise the reagents it needs really aren't hard to get even under 5mins, thats why I feel like, booster enzyme really should get a recipee change for it to be balanced, otherwise a nerf of It's effects would also work.