11-22-2021, 10:46 AM
While I'm of the mindset of things like this being up to administrator discretion for abuse, I agree that I would prefer the people get warned over repetitive, unfun behaviour over deleting a bunch of content. I don't really use booster, I don't ever feel the need to cover every single option and contingency because it feels like I'm min-maxing and no longer enjoying the spirit of a game based around RP and in the moment interactions, but everybody has their own ways to play the game they enjoy, and nobody has the objective truth of what's the ideal/proper style to play.
Personally, I think increasing the clarity of when somebody has booster enzyme in them is a good way to go, as its a recurring theme above that people "don't know" until it's already too late. I feel like booster enzyme is a strong enough chem to warrant a special vfx/sfx to it, to act as a visual or audio queue that the person is on hyper chems. I like the change of meth purging brain fixing chems, as it makes sense. I'm not a fan of putting even more power into haloperidol as it's currently one of the strongest chems; it does so many different things as it is, on top of random sleep and KO, that adding even more things to it just seems like it's bloating the chem, and I'd rather just see it reworked to deplete all chems or something at that point.
I also liked the idea of removing the overdose cap that booster has, and just making it ramp up all chems in the players reagent container.
Personally, I think increasing the clarity of when somebody has booster enzyme in them is a good way to go, as its a recurring theme above that people "don't know" until it's already too late. I feel like booster enzyme is a strong enough chem to warrant a special vfx/sfx to it, to act as a visual or audio queue that the person is on hyper chems. I like the change of meth purging brain fixing chems, as it makes sense. I'm not a fan of putting even more power into haloperidol as it's currently one of the strongest chems; it does so many different things as it is, on top of random sleep and KO, that adding even more things to it just seems like it's bloating the chem, and I'd rather just see it reworked to deplete all chems or something at that point.
I also liked the idea of removing the overdose cap that booster has, and just making it ramp up all chems in the players reagent container.