Feedback Flourish / Ley / Aloe / Others, didn't see. Nuclear Ops event on RP3 11/12/2021
I'm glad everyone had fun. I do take problem with how Antag roles for this shift were assigned.

At somepoint, the event description text apparently changed to open up nukie sign ups. No one was notified via ping, and shortly after, it was closed. The only way that a few users including me learned about this was when those who saw the text change were discussing their upcoming roles in the RP channel. This was not a good nor a equitable way to hand out antag roles for a pretty large admin event, as unless you were on discord at the time, or even on the discord at all, you had no knowledge that antags were preassigned and that they would not be given out via the normal means of RNG/using a token. I think the admins should have done this instead by lottery and also sending out a notification to all those interested to check it out in order to allow for the most amount of people to have a shot at playing the bad guys in the shift. If beforehand planning would be required, then drawning the lottery and then notifying those who had been pulled a hour to a hour and a half before the event would have been better.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Flourish / Ley / Aloe / Others, didn't see. Nuclear Ops event on RP3 11/12/2021 - by Eagletanker - 11-12-2021, 07:05 PM

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