11-09-2021, 02:38 PM
Amending my Application slightly. I was tired an misread the security experience as 300 words MAXIMUM.
So to add a little more detail: I've always enjoyed taking on new security assitants or officers and showing them the ropes when it comes to how security works as a department. From how to claim the tokens and what different loadouts are like, to using the secmate system, forensics, tool and weapon use etc. When I started playing sec regularly I had some really helpful people take me through the steps of how to be a good officer, and now when I have the opportunity I try to repay that favour, as it can be very overwhelming sometimes, especially on a busy shift.
Finally, one important aspect I've found in security is self-policing and accountability. Sometimes it is easy to get carried away in the moment of a chatoic shootout or when dealing with an obvious self-antag, but it is easy to distinguish between a good and bad officer in the way they handle it. Good officers and HoS' generally tend to rein in any lone ranger types, and hold their other officers accountable when they are being overly harsh or unjust.
So to add a little more detail: I've always enjoyed taking on new security assitants or officers and showing them the ropes when it comes to how security works as a department. From how to claim the tokens and what different loadouts are like, to using the secmate system, forensics, tool and weapon use etc. When I started playing sec regularly I had some really helpful people take me through the steps of how to be a good officer, and now when I have the opportunity I try to repay that favour, as it can be very overwhelming sometimes, especially on a busy shift.
Finally, one important aspect I've found in security is self-policing and accountability. Sometimes it is easy to get carried away in the moment of a chatoic shootout or when dealing with an obvious self-antag, but it is easy to distinguish between a good and bad officer in the way they handle it. Good officers and HoS' generally tend to rein in any lone ranger types, and hold their other officers accountable when they are being overly harsh or unjust.