HoS Application - Munien (Elijah Retluoc)
Usual character name: Elijah Retluoc (More recently, previously used to use randomised names)
BYOND username: Munien
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Munien

Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Primarily 3, but very occasionally 1 & 4.

Reason for application: 
Through my time playing, having a head of security has always been incredibly beneificial to any security or command shift. Whether it's a chaotic shift with antags, or even on extended with none, having a person in command who can not only provide leadership for security officers when it comes to issues such as brig times, arrestable offences, punishments, training new officers and assistants, or just helping coordinate the often scrambled nature of security, is really useful. I think the position of Head of Security is a great opportunity to help bring leadership, help, and trust to my favourite area of ss13.   

Security experience (300 word minimum): 
When I first started playing ss13 just over a year ago, I steered very clear of ever playing security for fear of not being robust enough. However after I took a break, I came back and gave it a go. What I found was a department that was so friendly, helpful, and full of really great interactions with all members of the crew, from janitors and staffies all the way to high command. 

My approach throughout my time being a security officer has always been one of creating fun interaction with everyone. Whether it's providing fun roleplay with an antag instead of just arresting them on the spot, or just talking with tiders when they do something they didn't realise was wrong. I've always attempted to communicate first, by blowing the whistle or asking someone to come with me to security to talk or off to somewhere private to conduct a search. Though obviously this always isn't possible and sometimes things escalate to batons and tasers, I always try to create an environment where this is a last resort when someone has either resisted violently or is re-offending, been warned multiple times etc.

Often times, my best sec rounds have been with a Head of Security, especially when I was starting out, as it gave me someone to go to when I wasn't sure if I should arrest someone, or how long in the brig to give them, or even just for approving a fine.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    Good communication is absolutely vital to a fun and successful security shift. Whether it be a simple "heading out on patrol", an update on any current investigations, letting the team know you are enroute to a call, or asking someone to flag arrests. It can make a shift really difficult when someone is going out and making or flagging arrests without telling anyone why, and then if that person offends/re-offends, you don't really have any good info to make a proper judgement.The other vital piece of advice would be to not take it TOO seriously, even in RP. At the end of the day, everyone is here to have fun, even the antags. So play along (so long as they aren't being so overly obvious or violent), have a drink with your officer buddies, and enjoy!

  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    There are 2 recent memories that I have really enjoyed as a sec officer so I'll summarise both:

    1: Some conspirators acted as the board of directors, and ended up holding the captain hostage. Some negotiations continued until it was almost shuttle time and nothing had evolved. So most of the team entered the bridge, following the HoS's orders to hold fire. He made a grand speech about bringing in a "fierce negotiator", while one of the team quickly updated the conspirators criminal status to arrest. Finally, a growing siren was heard, and in came beepsky to make the arrest. The whole sec team jumped into action and ended up capturing most of them, as well as saving the captain from a spacing. It was a really enjoyable interaction, and everyone was talking about it on the discord after with joy.

    2: A quick one involving a chef who seemed like a tider, said some choice words when I brought him in over a small offence. While initially I ahelped because of what he said, when I brought him in me and the HoS at the time quickly sorted out what his offence was etc, and let him go. When I released him, he actually apologised sincerely for what he said and made the security an entire cart of donuts. While what he said was not at all acceptable, it was just a nice example of how good communication helped de-escalate the situation.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    There is 2 that I have wanted to run, one where the entire sec team dress and speak like old English bobbies (baton only, etc). The other, which would be altogether harder, would be to run a sort of obstacle course/gun training/hostage negotiation police academy style thing, though obviously due to time and space this would be very difficult to put together. 

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None that I am aware of!

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HoS Application - Munien (Elijah Retluoc) - by Munien - 11-09-2021, 12:48 AM

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