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[MERGED PR] New spacelubed floor animation
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About the PR
Adds a new animation for lubed floor tiles. This is in response to some discussion when the floor tile resprite went through, and also a previous thread on the forums.

I've modified this quite a bit based on feedback, however there is still a shine animation; this is to give it some visibility over lighter tiles (such as medbay, etc).

[Image: 140721459-9f703cef-f9ca-4801-9968-1a23d2dd9801.gif]
[Image: 140721474-d272f6ee-3930-4429-8186-aa72760bff50.gif]
[Image: 140721489-e1e782b7-45c1-4662-9b62-edb38d9ee811.gif]
[Image: 140721497-8e39f5ae-132d-46db-abc2-62c969a407eb.gif]
[Image: 140721502-c3ce7e33-25b9-49b7-b207-67825deaa264.gif]

(Keep in mind these gifs aren't perfectly timed, so any stuttering/weird timings is probably just where the gif loops, oops)

Why's this needed?
Some players mentioned that lube was hard to see on the new floor tiles, also player feedback in general re: spacelube visibility.

This might not be the right solution to the presented issues [here](, but I actually started this a couple of weeks ago and figured I'd PR it as an option!


(+)Replaced the spacelubed floor tile effect with new art; should be easier to see on resprited floors now.


Messages In This Thread
[MERGED PR] New spacelubed floor animation - by github_bot - 11-06-2021, 08:34 PM

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