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[MERGED PR] rework some config setting setup
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these changes require matching changes in the secrets repository: goonstation/goonstation-secret#171

do not merge this without also merging the other changes. in fact, do not merge this at all without verifying that it works as expected on live servers, god forbid we accidentally deadmin everyone

About the PR

this pr rewrites some stuff around how ckey lists are loaded for various things, including mentors, HoS, etc.

it also un-tracks `config/admins.txt` and some other config files, replacing them with "`config/admins.sample.txt`"; the intention is that a server host can make whatever changes they want to the admin/mentor/etc. lists without having to modify tracked files that might cause conflicts in the future

it also moves some configuration files out of `strings/` and into `config/` where they belong. silly config files, you dont belong there

the current goonstation configuraton method seems to be using files in `+secret/` to handle configuration. as such, the new proc for reading these lists will now read both the main `config/` older and the `+secret/config/` files, ensuring that this method still works.

technical list:
- some config files moved from strings/ to config/
- new "xxxx.sample.txt" files in config directory, with some notes explaining what they do
- config.txt, admin.txt etc. now gitignored for conflict-free local editing
- if secrets are enabled, these ckey lists are also read from `+secret/config/`
- removes long-disused rules.html and motd.txt

Why's this needed?

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   config/admins.txt


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[MERGED PR] rework some config setting setup - by github_bot - 11-06-2021, 12:53 AM

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