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Mutantraces can no longer wear wigs
I'll elaborate on my reasoning/thought-process for this incident. I'll try to la6 it out in points chronologically for clarity.

1. When I initially saw the wig thread, I thought it was funny and a good change. Mutantraces using it were mentioned, but honestly I did not pay it much mind since when I head "your own hair but as a wig" I was thinking of humans since they are the only ones with hair. I saw that the thread and pr had good support, I wouldn't have called it "overwhelming support", the pr had only a couple emotes and no comments.

2. When I saw an image of a cowman with the hair in admin chat that looked really silly my first thought was legitimately, "this is clearly a bug, mutantraces don't have hair, why would they have wigs of \"their hair\"? And my changing this was breifly discussed to what I felt was mixed reactions and I did learn it was intentional, but it being technically a "bug" or not didn't really change how I thought it looked.

3. So, I thought it looked bad and out of line with our prevailing design philosophy on mutantraces. They never had hair until now and I felt like this change broke that design we were aiming for.

4. Referring back to point 1, I did not consider mutantraces having hair to be the core of the PR, so I didn't think that it was much impacted by my changing it so the trait was only for humans.

5. I got the impression that people felt I was "attacking"mutantrace players for removing this customizabilty, but I did not consider this change as doing something "to" players any more than any aesthetic choice. Mostly because this was such a new change and did not expect such attachment to it. I considered this as simply making an aesthetic choice to something in the game since everyone, not just the mutantrace players, has to see mutantraces. I didn't view it as "taking something away from people" as it were.

I added multicolored lizards and the framework for letting mutantraces change colors years ago and expected someone would eventually add more on top of it to give mutantraces more customizibility without just giving them human hair. But nobody ever did. I think that hair is a distinctive trait of humans in game, and giving it to mutantraces undercuts it and the uniqueness of humans and mutantraces. They never had hair before and that wasn't an accident, I considered it an accident/mistake/what-have-you that it was essentially added to them in this trait.

Messages In This Thread
Mutantraces can no longer wear wigs - by Retrino - 10-25-2021, 07:42 PM
RE: Mutantraces can no longer wear wigs - by Cal - 10-25-2021, 08:05 PM
RE: Mutantraces can no longer wear wigs - by Cal - 10-26-2021, 12:28 PM
RE: Mutantraces can no longer wear wigs - by Sov - 10-26-2021, 01:28 PM
RE: Mutantraces can no longer wear wigs - by kyle2143 - 10-26-2021, 01:29 PM

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