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Global game statistics for Goonhub - such as "most/least picked jobs", etc.
Theoretically possible. Admin logs already record job someone joined as, whether at roundstart, latejoin, respawn, etc., and GoonHub used to track job for "deadiest job" for each round (now it doesn't.) Archives don't go very far though. We have logs from 2015 for example, but they're the shortened version that doesn't list job. I'd say data for most picked/least picked job statistics is pretty much wholly complete for 2021 and 2020, mostly complete for 2019 and probably 2018, and from then it gets muddier, especially past/before the 2016 mark. I don't have complete access to the server like Wire though, so if there's some forgotten corner where some old-ass logs are just randomly lying about, he'd probably know.

As a side note, pali has indeed done some clever scripting of the logs, and that's how stats about most/least bought traitor items was procured. I also remember a similar project about emotes (how many farts per year??????), but I can't remember how that turned out.

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RE: Global game statistics for Goonhub - such as "most/least picked jobs", etc. - by Studenterhue - 10-23-2021, 11:27 AM

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