10-20-2021, 02:11 PM
> Also, who treats HoS players badly on the discord, I have literally never seen anyone treat HoS whitelisted people badly on the discord.
Overall I don't agree with the nerfs. Give it to everyone? Sure. But if we give them to everyone without the nerfs, it may go the way of The Devil (removed).
So why not just ask for other critters in a likewise fashion to be added ? Something safe and available to the public?
No nerf, no removing from HoS, just new content??
Overall I don't agree with the nerfs. Give it to everyone? Sure. But if we give them to everyone without the nerfs, it may go the way of The Devil (removed).
So why not just ask for other critters in a likewise fashion to be added ? Something safe and available to the public?
No nerf, no removing from HoS, just new content??