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How did you last die
mucubed Wrote:I spawned as a spymaster and went straight to cargo to make loafs. I spent my ten crystals on microbombs since that's fun and I don't like the other items very much.

After some experimentation, I made a loaf that 1-hit kills people when throws. I went around braining people with this. Apparently there was a traitor scientist, because he loyalty implanted me.

I gave him the loaf and we made our way to the shuttle and waded into the crowd. Seeing a lot of people not in the scientist's personal mindslave entourage, I asked him to give me the loaf so I could kill them.

I had not properly explained the dangers of the loaf, so instead of dropping it, he threw it at me, whereby I was instantly killed, activating all 10 microbombs and killing everyone on the shuttle. The loaf laughed all the way to the Nanotransen docking facility.

That was an odd round, The scientist was on of the spys, and so was I. We had mindslaved each other at the same time. In the end all three of the living spys were done in by that loaf.

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