10-14-2021, 07:40 AM
Jason was one of the first extended RP sessions I had when I first started playing the game. He was the bartender, and I was barely able to walk around and interact, but I had a very nice introduction to the RP side of SS13 and Goonstation. On one round I was Captain, and if memory serves, Jason was a sec officer. The AI needed to be reset, and I had no idea how to do it. Jason accompanied me into the upload, and walked me through the entire process in a clear, concise way, letting me take the lead but showing me how to accomplish it. I've also been playing a lot of rounds as AI, and Torch...everyone should have heard of Torch! I've taken a lot of inspiration and pointers from how Torch interacts with the crew and does his job into my own play style. AI has become one of my favorite jobs, and I began playing it mostly because Torch inspired me to. Finally, for a good while I was playing engineer to learn that side of the game, and Jason as CE is a great boss. He provided me many tips, watched over me to make sure I wasn't making mistakes, and always let me know when I was doing a good job.
All and all, any round Jason or Torch is in is always enhanced by their mere presence. He would make a great asset as a mentor, due to his calm and helpful demeanor, as well as delivering information in a clear and straightforward way while letting the player take the lead. Huge +1!
All and all, any round Jason or Torch is in is always enhanced by their mere presence. He would make a great asset as a mentor, due to his calm and helpful demeanor, as well as delivering information in a clear and straightforward way while letting the player take the lead. Huge +1!