10-13-2021, 07:11 PM
the thing about Areas Online is that unless you have like, a whitelist that people apply to before you let them in and you're very good about vetting 'em properly, you always run the risk that some 13 year old online could stumble into the scene. speaking as a former one, 13 year olds are NOTORIOUSLY bad at grasping larger cultural implications of things, and don't always have the ability to tell what's a joke and what isn't. stuff presented as a joke might just read to them as a Normal Thing People Do, and they'll parrot it to fit in and feel mature, and that can lead to a lotta bad very dangerous stuff for them down the line
tl;dr the way I see it it's, like, more of a safety measure than anything really
tl;dr the way I see it it's, like, more of a safety measure than anything really