10-09-2021, 10:11 AM
(10-09-2021, 12:51 AM)MetricDuck Wrote: Would a 100pop cap create a soft "clamp" on total server population where people would be more hesitant to join between 100 and 125pop? 🤔It's not necessarily as simple as "goon2 to EU". We can't just magically move our servers to the EU. I think however, it would be interesting to freeze lifeloop on AFK people, and a direct to goon2 button while dead would help for sure.
Goon 2 to EU? Give a portion of the playerbase a reason to choose it.
Anecdotally, walking around at 140 pop a ton of people are staring blankly into space within 5 minutes of round start. Aggressive autocryo measures? Guardbuddies drag afk players to cryo??
EDIT: Add a "respawn in alternate universe" ghost spawn button that just redirects you to goon2 lol.
EDIT2: Increase mult of lifeloop on afk people?