Head of Security Application for Slithers
Usual Character Name: Slithers And Slides
BYOND Username: Tiresoup
Recommended By: Ftlaudeye, Hauntmachine, Telareti, Wubbo, Amazingdragons
Goon Servers You Play: Goon 3 (Primary Roleplay) and occasionally Goon 4 (Roleplay Overflow)

Reason for Application: Security has a massive effect on both the crew and antagonists. They are also some of the most frequent people to interact with crew members’ roleplay, and are trusted with a lot. It’s important to ensure security won’t be too rough on an antagonist, and that they are staying calm and level headed.

The Head of Security also serves a key role in teaching security members in my eyes. They’re the ones security personnel look up to from day one, and their judgement is trusted. Having a head of security on the team can help coordinate officers, and help teach those who need help, especially critical during these higher population rounds.

Security Experience: 

It began a long time ago, back in roughly November 2020. I started out as security officer on Server one, learning the ropes. At first, I was rather unfair, and took my job too harshly. Slowly, I began to learn how to get the feel of the job, and understand the community. I played security for quite a bit, learning as I went along.

I took a brief break for a bit, and began to play more security. I’ve recently been experiencing more high population rounds on roleplay with the tomato tide, and found lots of new opportunities to have fun with antagonists, crew, and security.

As for my playstyle, I cannot stress how vital it is to use your words, and to talk before you shoot. All too often I’ve seen an officer immediately run to tase someone for breaking and entering, or wordlessly grab a person out of sec and throw them out the door. The crew aren’t your enemies, it’s your duty to keep them safe, not keep yourself safe from them

It’s also important to consider the way the crew perceive you. An officer running around holding a baton, in full armor, covered in blood is not nearly as approachable as a calm and collected person, in a casual uniform. Nobody likes the supercop that shuts down antagonists rounds.

When dealing with a repeat offender, I take into account the following things

  1. [font=Verdana]What did they do?[/font]
  2. [font=Verdana]How many times did they do it?[/font]
  3. [font=Verdana]Are they being resistant, or compliant with you?[/font]
I oftentimes find it useful to issue strikes to them, and warn them when they are approaching more capital punishment. Theres many options I prefer to use over brig times, such as rehabilitation, ticketing, fining, a stern talking to, and the likes. Brig time should not be your first option in most cases. Borging, execution, and exile are last resort cases, choose your use of them carefully, the antagonists round is in your hands. It’s also important to adapt your processing depending on what a person did- You don’t need to search a person if they got into a fist fight at the bar.

Being communicative has always been a priority for me. Just a simple “I’m heading out on patrol” will suffice, as keeping your team in the loop and informed is critical to a well-performing security team. It’s of great importance to say when and why you’re setting a person to arrest, if you’re responding to a call, arresting someone, or even if you’re just announcing your location and status.

What advice would you give to other sec players?:

  • [font=Verdana]Talk to a person if you plan on arresting or questioning them, it’s poor form to run and baton anyone on arrest, or grab a person and silently drag them to interro. [/font]
  • [font=Verdana]Talk to your team. Keep in contact with your team, be it via PDA or radio. It’s vital to ensure your team is informed and connected, and even the most simple of reports can go a long way. Highlighting the string “135.9” is very helpful for making sure you never miss what your coworkers are saying. [/font]
  • [font=Verdana]Be reasonable. Don’t go after people for being an antag, go after people for committing a crime. You shouldn’t be executing for assault with a deadly weapon, or borg for breaking a window. Similarly respond accordingly on scene. If a person is shooting at people, feel free to use force quickly, but if there’s for example, a fight, a baton is not the first response needed.[/font]

Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer:

As a lone security officer, I tend to focus on primarily the major and critical calls, not really focus on more minor or domestic crimes. As part of a team, I often take more breaks, and give calls a second over sec radio before I take them, so as to allow more officers to get a chance to take one.

What’s a gimmick you’ve always wanted to run?:

I’ve always wanted to give all crew cars, and security the gangs mode patrol cars. Paint traffic lines around the halls, and have security do traffic enforcement. The image of a security officer ticketing a clown in a clown car for reckless driving is certainly a wonderful one.
Previous Bans: 8/18/2021: Self Requested Antagonist Ban From Ley

Uhh not sure what's going on with the whole font thing next to my bullet points, I don't know anything about markdown. Mysterious happenings!

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Head of Security Application for Slithers - by Tiresoup - 09-27-2021, 05:16 PM

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