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Round lock for captain and no antag for captain
Round-lock fine (rather not...but 20 rounds ain't so much anyway); but I do not see an antag block for captain being a good thing.
Following this line Imma re-post my stated opinion I have given on this on the GitHub PR, so it is out here in this forums discussion.

Captain. What shall a captain be?
The role is wonderful as it is. Various ways in which it can be directed; how about a new player exploring the station without any boundaries? Great. Good time to interact with folks.
What about a drunk captain, gulping down enough booze to get three new livers? Yep.
A competent captain taking on leadership; announcing stuff, changing laws when the station requires it - or just when it can be simply fun.

The place in which an antag captain shines the most is right in the middle between an incompetent and a competent captain.
A captain that looks to be incompetent is deceiving enough to enable a competent player to strike with chaos. This is what enables a great deal of fun with an antag captain.

It is not that you got more tools to simply murderbone, but you got the rank to talk to folks - to make them plan stuff.
For a Captain you can go to QM - bark at them to pull together a party in the bar - and in the meantime prepare some gritty surprises for said party.
Manipulation - deceit - chaos.
A competent antag captain can be way more engaging than a murderboning one.
See - if you interact with folks to get them to do stuff on their own which in turn enables a plot to come together - that is great.

No other role is able to just waltz in various departments and demand changes. Do they go through? Maybe. Maybe not.
Smooth talking and being more than just an evil overlord villain - being a villain with character and strategy - that is the wonderful thing about antag captains.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Round lock for captain and no antag for captain - by GORE - 09-27-2021, 02:30 PM

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