HoS Application - Radily Butkus/Sanngrior
In a single round last night I watched you appear to lobby everyone in sight to support your HOS app, refer to Goon 1 as "easy mode" while talking about having "torn the game asunder" so the "admins fear me" and closed and weld sec shuttle doors as soon as a shambler transformed on the shuttle while referring to it as "their problem now".

That was one round, and almost every other round I've seen you has had equally questionable stuff happen in terms of what I want/expect out of an HOS. I'm honestly afraid that you would teach other security members bad habits in the pursuit of placing robustness above everything else. Frankly, I am concerned that you only want the position for the gear and status. If you want my support it's going to take a lot of work.


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RE: HoS Application - Radily Butkus/Sanngrior - by AlyasGrey - 09-20-2021, 11:06 AM

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