HoS Application - Nako Starbell / Diamond_Plated
Yea, your pretty cool.

However, Ive seen alot of examples where youll jump immediatly into attacking antagonists for existing, usually later on in the rounds, and usually antag critters. Also, you grab meds for every damage type, fill your oxygen, and grab insuls and a space suit every round. Play how you want, but being unprepared leads to more fun, as you have to play your environment more instead of tanking through them.

Ill say yes, because those are my only complaints, and your a great officer to have on the team, but i'd like to challenge you to not prepare for everything, and always let the antagonists make the first move.

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RE: HoS Application - Nako Starbell / Diamond_Plated - by Froggit_Dogget - 09-19-2021, 10:10 PM

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