Mentor Application - cyberTripping/Vaskritaya
I'm a relatively new player, (around a bit past the month mark I think), and I play exclusively on Morty. In my first few shifts when I barely had an idea of how to walk around, much less do anything, cyberTripping as Officer Batts was a godsend. Through the rounds, she directed me to many points on the station I couldn't find, and was able to give me enough in character context to where I could manage other things. From that point, I knew if I didn't know how to do or find something, if I could find Casey, I'd have an answer.
I haven't had much interaction with Feyrouz, but with the others, especially Casey, I've had a wonderful time RPing with them and they certainly enhance my round. In all cases, either RP or helping me with something, cyber has always been patient, courteous, respectful, and would always ask me if I needed help with anything else. I think her attitude and demeanor are exactly what is needed in a mentor, so that's a hearty +1 from me.

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RE: Mentor Application - cyberTripping/Vaskritaya - by KingMorshu - 09-14-2021, 12:01 PM

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