Mentor Application - cyberTripping/Vaskritaya
Usual character name: Casey Batts, Bignose (clown), Feyrouz Shafiq
BYOND username: CyberTripping
Discord username: Vaskritaya#8010
Recommended by: Flourish
Goon servers you play: Morty, occasionally Sylvester

Reason for application + game experience:
I have been considering applying for a while now, and have considered it several times in the past, but only decided to properly take the plunge due to prodding from Flourish several days ago. My reasons for applying are pretty clean-cut: I've noticed a constant influx of new players during my recent time playing, and it turns out it's pretty fun to help out some fresh-off-the-boat staffie. We're only going to see more and more new players due to the recent activity on Nightshade, too, along the general popularizing of the game. If I'm made Mentor, I'll be able to help out with a greater efficiency and scope, assisting with mhelps while in-game or while chatting on discord, or potentially helping as a mentor mouse when I otherwise would have just become a ghost critter.

My gameplay experience is quite broad at this point, I'd say. I have played this game on and off since late 2015, but I very certainly have not interacted with the game on a deeper level than I have during my recent bout of playing, over the past several months. I have up-to-date experience with every job on the selection screen, and while there are some that I am less intimate with (mechanic comes to mind, due to a lack of creativity on my part), I don't think there are any fields at this point that I don't have a degree of familiarity with, sans Pathology for obvious reasons. Additionally, I have experience with systems that are often considered daunting, such as telescience and TermOS, and frequently tend to pick up on obscure mechanics through my time in the discord questions channel, or that I've just accumulated due to how long I've played.

While it's not strictly gameplay experience, I've also become familiar with checking the code for answers to things I don't know. This has helped me several times in the questions channel, and would definitely be a skill I could employ in the mentor channel as well.

Previous bans: I have no previous bans.

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Mentor Application - cyberTripping/Vaskritaya - by cyberTripping - 09-14-2021, 02:09 AM

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